So, I decided since it has been a long time since I've done a 3d craft, we would do one for my zoom group this week. Here is my sample for this class:
I have used Tropical Chic and Timeless Tropical stamp sets for the images, and Tropical Chic dsp. The Tropical Chic stamp set and dsp are both retired, but there are plenty of new choices that would look lovely.
Speaking of retired, this year's paper choices are retiring... so if you have something in mind that you really want, you need to order TODAY. The supply will begin to diminish quickly as everyone begins to get ready for the release of the new catalog.
Such exciting news... the new catalog will be coming out shortly. I have seen a sneak peak, and it is amazing. The new colors for 2020-2022 are gorgeous! AND, great news, all the In-Colors, 2019-2021 and 2020-2022 (9 colors) are now available in the small ink spots. You can get them all at one time, without the investment of the full-size pads.
May is right around the corner, and that means Mother's Day is close. If you would like to do a handmade card for your dear Mom, I can put together a kit for you to pick up, complete with directions and all paper necessary for completing the card. If you would like to purchase a card already made, let me know and I will send you some options to think about.
Since it is nearly May, I would normally urge you to order a Paper Pumpkin (PP) kit before May 10, BUT they are already sold out! That tells me it will be an amazing kit. It promises to have some of the new In-Colors for us to use. I can hardly wait to see.
If you have never tried your hand at crafting a personal, hand-made card, you should give it a try. It is therapeutic and purposeful. And right now, in the midst of this pandemic, handmade thank you cards can be use daily. And the smile on faces when you hand off a card will warm your heart.
Order today - go to
Have a marvelous week!